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将 FedEx Express 引入以色列市场是一种荣幸,”FlyingCargo Group 的所有者 Avi 和 Dany Reik 说。“这一步展示了成功的关系。我们相信,在 Flying CargoGroup 将继续发展我们的其他物流和配送业务的联邦快递将更好地满足以色列客户不断变化的需求。”
联邦快递于1990年开始通过Flying CargoExpress国际部为以色列提供服务,Zui终提供广泛的国际快递运输服务,包括向全球220多个国家和地区的进出口货物。自 2016 年 5月以来, Express(包括在以色列的 )已成为全球联邦快递集团公司的一部分。
Flying Cargo Group是以色列物流服务、仓储、履行和货物配送的。Flying Cargo Group提供的服务包括电子商务、退货服务以及在以色列的国内提货和派送,并将继续拥有和管理这些活动。
“I feel inspired to see so many young minds gathering to sharenew perspectives and finding ways to innovate service offerings toimprove the overall customer experience,” said Kei Alan Kubota,managing director of FedEx Express Japan. “What the studentsexperience through their roles during the program is similar to thesort of challenges we face at FedEx every day. Through thisexperience, students will have a better understanding of how globaltrade supports economic growth, and learn to appreciate how eachrole contributes to the success of a company.”
Student City is an experience-based economic education programthat runs throughout the academic year of Japan and is open to allpublic elementary school students in the Shinagawa Ward. It isjointly operated by Shinagawa Ward and local non-profit JuniorAchievement (JA) Japan, which teaches students about the economy,workforce readiness, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy.Students role-play as residents in the mock-up city and interactwith each other as customers and employees of variousbusinesses.