The color of color steel plate can be divided into many typesaccording to the user's requirements, such as orange, cream, deepsky blue, sea blue, and Fei
Red, brick red, porcelain blue, etc.
The market use of color coated steel plate is mainly divided intothree parts: construction, household appliances and transportation.The construction sector accounts for a large proportion, followedby household appliances, and the transportation industry onlyaccounts for a small part.
The color steel plate for building is generally made of hot-dipgalvanized steel plate and hot-dip aluminium-zinc steel plate asthe base plate, which is mainly processed into corrugated plate orcomposite sandwich plate with polyurethane, and then used to buildthe roof, wall and door of industrial and commercial buildings suchas steel structure workshop, airport, warehouse, freezer, etc.
The color plate of household appliances is generally based ongalvanized and cold plate, which is used to produce refrigeratorsand large air conditioning systems, freezers, bakers, furniture,etc.
In the transportation industry, galvanization and cold plate aregenerally used as the base plate, mainly for oil pan, automobileinterior trim, etc.